nude is an experimental section of Feria Hábitat Valencia that takes place in September every year as an integral part of the main trade fair.
The nude Show first saw the light in 2002 and was conceived as a project that would have continuity over time and fulfil four objectives:
- To be a platform for design
- To be a tool that would serve the interiors industry
- To create an environment that would provide opportunities for novice designers and operators in the industry to meet.
- To promote the values of the culture of habitat design
How does nude work?
Every year the event takes place a Selection Committee is tasked with choosing, from amongst all the applications received, the work and the designers that will comprise the show. The Committee is made up each year of well-known professionals who represent different crucial aspects of the world of interiors, in other words: designers, architects, interior designers, manufacturers, distributors and/or retailers, together with design theorists and the media dedicated to the discipline.