If you want to enter you can until 7th November!

nude will be celebrated in February in February as part of ‘See You in Valencia’, the event that includes 3 exhibitions: Cevisama, Habitat y Fimma Maderalia. The event that is going to flood Valencia with culture and design… This means that nude is going to be visited more than ever by prescribers and professionals and hopefully by national and international journalists and bloggers.

In this edition and as an innovation from its creation, nude allows new types of objects. Immersed in the ‘See You in Valencia’ project it is open to other industries such as ceramic design, bathroom design and design elements that the auxiliary habitat industry use.

Also we want to remind you that we have an extraordinary Jury made up of world Communication, Industrial, Architecture, Interior Design and Design professionals such as Javier Abio (Neo2 magazine), Ramon Esteve (Architect and Designer), Alberto Ales (Expormim), Miguel Sanchez (President of Cdicv) and Luis Calabuig from Odos Design (a great designer who began at nude).

Something that has always seemed fundamental to us is to have a large team of interior designers. A few years ago, we hired design studies that had taken part in past editions of nude and that make up a multidisciplinary team.

The Graphic image of this edition has been put in charge of Alejandro Benavent, Director of D (x) I.

As you see we have very strongly bet on everything and we are especially very expectant because we believe in our work and we are very proud of nude. This community must keep growing and being a meeting point for designers, industries, media and society in general.

We would not like anybody to be left out through lack of information, our intention is that nude is your platform and that it impels you to grow and fulfil your dreams. Also in our fortitude it is to be a useful industry tool and that businessmen will find the freshness and innovation that they so badly need for their company at nude.

If you need more information: mfontes@feriavalencia.com